The Writing Center

Looking to Make an Appointment?

We are no longer offering appointments through our website. We encourage Main Campus students to walk in during our open hours, and Global students are encouraged to email us at the address listed above for an Online Consultation. Please email us if you have any questions.

What We Do

The Writing Center exists to help members of the Spring Arbor University community grow as writers. In keeping with The Concept, we offer space for students to learn in community by engaging in conversations about all aspects of writing and critical thinking.

We fulfill this mission through one-on-one consultations with students, asynchronous email feedback, handouts and other resources to help students with specific questions.

One-on-One Consultations

We aren't a proofreading or editing service; rather, we want to work with you so that you can grow as a writer. When you work with one of our tutors, expect to engage in a rigorous conversation about your ideas and your writing. While our tutors hope that you conclude the session with a better piece of writing, they are more concerned that you are growing as a writer.

Walk-In Sessions

Students are invited to join us in the Writing Center Office for a personal discussion of your assignment. Experience real-time feedback on your writing and learn tools that will help you grow as a writer. No appointments are necessary! Just come on in during our office hours. Check back on this website to get the most up-to-date information about when we are open and ready to assist you!

We are located on the first floor of the White Library, just to the left of the main stairs.

Because of the kind of rigorous conversations we want to have concerning your ideas and writing, please allow yourself at least 30 minutes before we close to come in for your session.

Also, you will want time after your appointment to keep working on your paper before you turn it in. So come in at least one or two days before your assignment is due to talk about it!

Online Consultations

We also offer online consultations. This service is primarily for online or graduate students for whom it is not practical to come for an in-person session. You can simply email your essay or writing project as a Word Document to [email protected]. We do not accept other file types, such as pdf. Feel free to also email us with general questions. Just like with an in-person session, we want to offer assistance at any stage in the writing process.

In the body of your email, include a brief summary of your assignment and any questions or concerns you have. We will do our best to reply within two business days, and we will return your document with comments that will suggest ways to strengthen your argument, clarify confusing sections, and identify and correct repeated errors. If needed, you can follow up with your tutor through a virtual session.

Frequently Asked Questions

We will work with you on writing projects from any context, such as class essays, resumes, graduate school applications, scholarship applications, and presentations

You can bring in your writing for help at any stage in the process: brainstorming, outlining, thesis development, organization, introductions and conclusions, revising, and grammar.

Please come no less than 24 hours before your essay is due. Because our tutors will discuss not only your essay’s grammar and formatting, but also its thesis, organization, and ideas, you will need this time to make revisions to your essay before you turn it in to your professor.

Besides your enthusiasm and a desire to improve your writing, bringing the following will make for a more productive conversation:

  • A hard copy of your essay
  • The assignment information from your professor and any other details about their expectations such as a rubric or sample essay.