Student Support & Programs


Here to Serve You

Spring Arbor University has a of wealth of departments and organizations that serve as great resources for your learning, growth, and support. We want SAU to be a place where you feel comfortable asking for help, asking questions, and growing deep roots in our community. Below is a listing of just a few of the resources available to you.

Academic Supports

Academic Support Center is a learning center that offers a variety of services that empower students to maximize their learning experience at SAU. The personal attention helps link students to resources to assist with studying, writing, addressing learning challenges and making adjustments to the academic culture. Please take a moment to peruse this site and learn more about how Academic Support Center can help make your academic experience a success.

The ability to function in cross-cultural settings is no longer a luxury, nor just a good idea. It has become a necessary skill in the ever-shrinking global village. The CCS program at Spring Arbor University (SAU) exposes students to learning about, observing, and participating in cross cultural, on-site situations (mostly overseas). Students are exposed to the five major social institutions – economics, education, the family, government and religion (found in any culture) – and the cultural elements by which those institutions are articulated: architecture, artifacts, crafts, eco-diversity, fine arts, language, leisure activities and music.

Students whose primary language is something other than English may need assistance in fulfilling reading, writing, listening (note taking), or speaking requirements in any course. You are invited to meet with Academic Support Center personnel for assistance.

Our peer tutoring program is available upon request to any student wishing for assistance in studying for a difficult course. Tutors meet weekly with individuals, pairs, or small groups to enhance student understanding in numerous specific courses. This service is free. Call ext. 1481 or come to Academic Support Center to arrange for a tutor.

Students who need accommodation at SAU may receive special permission to take tests in the office of Academic Support Center. We have private and comfortable testing areas. Accommodations may be established for students according to ADA guidelines. In such cases, professors are notified but students must schedule appointment times for tests.

Guidelines for the testing environment will be explained to each student.

The Writing Center exists to help members of the Spring Arbor University community grow as writers. In keeping with The Concept, we offer space for students to learn in community by engaging in conversations about all aspects of writing and critical thinking.

We fulfill this mission through one-on-one consultations with students, workshops that cover particular subjects, and handouts and other resources to help students with specific questions.

Health Resources

Holton Health and Wellness Services (HHWS) is a comprehensive clinic located in the Student Center. Enrolled students pay a health service fee, included as part of tuition, which covers most services. U.S. and international students are eligible to use HHWS on a fee-for-services basis or through billable insurance.

Appointments are recommended, but walk-in services are available for urgent health matters. Learn more about Holton Health and Wellness Services.

SAU is committed to providing caring therapeutic support at no charge to students. Clinical services include brief personal therapy for individuals, couples and groups, and crisis intervention.

Carrie Dashner
[email protected]

Multicultural, Multi-Ethnic, and Co-Curricular Supports

Intercultural advisers are trained student staff who assists in advising and counseling responsibilities related to retention and support of students of color. IAs have an opportunity to assist in the education of students and staff to promote diversity and plan and implement cultural programs each month as part of their responsibilities. The IA program is useful to diverse populations and in its assistance in communicating OIR services, particularly during orientation, heritage month celebrations and overall programs that promote awareness for students living in residence halls.

The LINK Program was created to support students of color students through mentor pairings between freshmen and upper class students of color. The Program mission is to foster academic and social success among freshmen in a practical and meaningful ways and aspire to build community within the student body through encouraging social engagement, activism and organizational participation.

SGA provides resources and education for students, faculty, and staff associated with and/or interested in student organizations, student organization advising, and leadership education. Leadership education work emphasizes intercultural communication and social change. Resources include curriculum development, as well as written materials on a variety of leadership and organizational development topics. Services include organizing and scheduling of campus events, intramural sports, spiritual life, SAU sports marketing, and more.

The Career Center hosts countless recruitment fairs for companies that seek to employ students and graduates, and is a useful place for resources about finding internships, jobs, applying to graduate school and career counseling and advising. The Career Center frequently works with OIR to raise awareness about career fairs for students of color, as well as scholarships and fellowship opportunities.

Funding Opportunities

Please complete the petition so the Student Government Association can better understand how your group or ministry intends on using the funds. If you have any questions, contact Kayla Knapp, Assistant Vice President for Student Development at ext.1367 or [email protected].

OIR Programs & Events

National Hispanic Heritage Month is the period from September 15 to October 15 in the United States, when people recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States and celebrate the group’s heritage and culture.

The month is celebrated by our Intercultural Advisers by featuring several programs in each residential hall.

Faculty, students, staff, academic units, departments, and community members develop programs and initiatives to continue and remember the work and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The task of the Black History Month Celebration Planning Committee is to work collaboratively through the Office of Intercultural Relations (OIR) to provide guidance in Spring Arbor University’s Annual Celebration. Every year, faculty, students, staff, academic units, departments, and community members develop programs and initiatives to continue and remember the contribution and legacy of African descendents. The events focus on historical authenticity and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s, programs highlight historical and contemporary issues of race, class, social justice, diversity, and societal change. Past celebrations featured prominent black leaders such as former NFL coach Tony Dungy, U.S. Ambassador Alan Key, and U.S. Ambassador Andrew Young.

The Women in Leadership Conference is an event designed to help women fulfill their potential as leaders. The key to this event is being able to bring women of all ages and backgrounds together with relevant tools for spiritual, personal and professional development. This event features inspirational workshops, compelling speakers and opportunities for networking.

The Multicultural Graduation celebrates the commonalities and differences that characterize the experiences of students of color and other students at Spring Arbor University. The program serves as an example of Spring Arbor University’s commitment to diversity and to students of color.

The Multicultural Graduation contributes to the academic and social progress of all students by providing programs and activities that promote the communal striving and sense of accountability that help students to achieve. The ceremony acknowledges the value and uniqueness of students of color experience and serves to commemorate their accomplishments.

The Spring Arbor University Multicultural Graduation Planning Committee, institute this annual celebration to honor, respect, and remember those from our past and present communities who could only dream of the opportunity to graduate from an institution of higher learning. This ceremony marks a tradition of valuing our cultural offerings to SAU and to the world community.

Multicultural Student Organizations

The Asian Student Union aims to unite and serve the Asian community on campus while educating the general student body of Spring Arbor University. The association is committed to benefiting both Asian and non–Asian communities while promoting Asian culture and heritage.

African Student Union is an organization aiming to unite and serve the African student community on campus while educating the general student body of Spring Arbor University. The association is committed to benefiting both African and non–African communities while promoting African culture and heritage.

ISU is an organization aiming to unite and serve the international student community on campus by educating the general student body of Spring Arbor University through cultural events, preservation of international students’ heritage, thus adding to the diversity of the campus. The Union also provides services common to our international students such as ethnic food shopping trips, summer storage, and transportation to the airport.

God’s Love of Women is an organization aiming to unite and serve the African American women community on campus while educating the general student body of Spring Arbor University. The organization is committed to fostering leadership, character and community involvement among African American women on campus.

The purpose of the Gospel Choir is to inspire and uplift members of the campus community and abroad through the ministry of music.

Mu Kappa is an organization aiming to unite and serve the Missionary Kids and Third-Culture Kids student community at SAU by building relationships among the group members. Further, the organization seeks to coordinate special services to help with their life away from ‘home’ such as ethnic food shopping trips, summer storage, and transportation to the airport.