Below is a list of the most current and effective articulation agreements between
other institutions and Spring Arbor University.
Please note that curriculum specifications on any given agreement may have changed
from the time of the agreement went into effect. Please contact the Spring Arbor University
Office of Registration and Records for more information or any questions you may have.
Institutions Sending Students to SAU
Jackson College (Early Childhood Teacher Education, degree completion) - 2013-present
Jackson College (Social Work, degree completion) - 2013-present [PDF]
North Central Michigan College (Teacher Education, degree completion) - 2016-present
(Revision) [PDF]
Oakdale Christian Academy (dual enrollment admission) - 2015-2018 [PDF]
Oakland Community College (all degree completion programs) - 2017-2020 [PDF]
Oakland Community College (RN-MSN degree completion) - 2017-2020 [PDF]
Stautzenberger College (Business majors, degree completion) - 2015-2018 [PDF]
Stautzenberger College (Family Life Education, degree completion) - 2015-2018 [PDF]
Wuhan University of Technology (General Education) - 2010-present [PDF]