Costa Rica January 2025

COR 375 with Kim Bowen

The small country of Costa Rica is an oasis of tranquility, democracy, and education. The oldest democracy in Latin America enjoys an international reputation for its friendly people and the outstanding beauty of its diverse environment and wildlife. Scientists have estimated that close to 4 percent of the Earth’s species live in Costa Rica. Explore the wonders of a cloud forest, search for the rare quetzal bird, and learn about the rain forest up close as you become knowledgeable in bio-diversity. Meet indigenous Native Americans and become aware of their unique culture. Costa Ricans call themselves “Ticos.” You will get to know the gracious Ticos through family stays in a small mountain community.

Trip Costs

$600 student cost*

*Cost with the CCS Subsidy. The $200 nonrefundable application fee is not included in this amount. The CCS Subsidy applies to 1st CCS program only. 

Students are responsible for tuition for COR374 and COR375, as well as a $200 nonrefundable application fee. A current passport is required.

CCS trips are not guaranteed and are subject to change.

Student Testimonials

“Costa Rica is a gorgeous country. The people are friendly, the food is amazing, and Kim Bowen is an absolute treasure. I would go back if I have the opportunity.”

- Andrew Sutton

“Costa Rica is only the size of a pin head compared to the rest of the world but the amount of love, passion and pride that it contains is enormous. This country has such an amazing history with many people who have sacrificed everything to fight for what was right for their home. Costa Ricans are unlike any other: They are kind, selfless, relatable and laid back. Overall, Costa Rica is an extraordinary place with so much to offer and it made a huge impact on my life.”

- Rachel Dennison

“Get to know unique people with stories and lives very different than your own. Partake in Central American culture and the Pura Vida lifestyle. Do life with a family in a rural, mountainous, coffee growing community. Explore rain forests filled with rivers, waterfalls, and incredible plant and animal life. Deepen your faith in God as you talk to and worship with believers who see God’s handiwork in everything around them.”

- Caleb Shotts


Visit a language school and possibly take a university tour. Interact with university students about higher education, allowing students to compare and contrast cultural and academic expectations.


Students will enjoy a home stay immersion with the coffee farmers. The stay will include meals, family activities, church, and possibly special family gatherings. Students will live life with the hospitable Costa Ricans and may pick coffee.


Visit a national monument for a Costa Rican who worked for and achieved civil rights for all Costa Rican minorities. Tour the nation’s capital and historic sites. Dialogue with a former press secretary for a Costa Rican president.


There are several opportunities to meet missionaries in their service areas. Students will examine the role of Catholicism, the official national religion of Costa Ricans and its influence on culture.


Experience the market in San Jose where bartering and negotiating are the principal methods of exchange.  Speak with the farmers and learn about local agricultural cooperatives including the cooperative for the exportation of coffee.

  • View an active volcano. Costa Rica has some of the largest geyser-type craters in the world.
  • Interact with impoverished children in a Nicaraguan barrio project.
  • Meet with the Nicaraguan vice-consul to Costa Rica to learn about immigrants in Costa Rica and hear her personal story of the tragic conflicts in Nicaragua.
  • Visit indigenous Native Americans in their isolated mountain community and see them perform the Danza de Diablitos.
  • Visit Manuel Antonio National Park to encounter wildlife in its natural habitat and experience beautiful beaches.
  • Experience the capital city of San Jose, visiting the Plaza de Cultura and historical museums.
Departure Dates

January 2025 experiences may leave as early as December 28, 2024 and return before the start of the Spring Semester. Students should not make irreversible plans until their departure date is confirmed by the CCS office in early Fall 2024.

Health and Safety

This experience, like all CCS experiences, is subject to political and safety realities at the time of departure. CCS options can be physically and emotionally intense and stretching. Before enrolling, all participants should consult the disclosures on Physical Hardships of CCS. For more details on recommended immunizations consult the immunizations chart. Passport required at additional cost.